Before answering this question we shall understand the nature of psychology, depth of subject, and areas of psychology :
Psychology is a science that studies mental processes of mind/brain, human/animal experiences, and behavior in different contexts. Here context means environment. Psychology studies experience, mental processes, and behavior.
Psychology has its root in philosophy. This subject emerges from psychology. Psychology is basically a social science that focuses on humans as social beings. So in many universities psychology department comes under the jurisdiction of the department of the humanities.

But psychology like other sciences attempts to develop principles of behavior. It follows the hypothetical model. The hypothetical deductive model states that scientific advancement takes place if you have a theory to explain the phenomenon and based on this theory scientists deduce or propose a hypothesis.
Because of its research-oriented nature in many universities psychology comes under the department of social science. Psychology has a close relationship with humanities and social science.
Like in IGNOU (India’s largest open and distance learning university) under the department of humanities offer
Bachelor’s Degree in Bachelor of Arts English, Sanskrit, Hindi,
Bachelor of Arts (General) in Urdu,
Bachelor’s Honours Degree Programme (Hindi),
Bachelor’s Honours Degree Programme (English).
Master’s Degree in MA in Folklore and Culture Studies
English, Post-Graduate Diploma in Book Publishing.
IGNOU also offer a diploma in Creative Writing in English, a Diploma in Urdu (DUL) and a Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language, Certificate in Urdu Language, Certificate Programme in Functional English.
But under the department of social science IGNOU offer :
Master’s Degree in Anthropology
MA in Psychology
Master of Arts (Sociology)
Master of Library and Information Science
Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies
Master of Arts (Public Administration)
Master of Arts (Political Science)
Master of Arts (History)
Master of Arts (Economics)
Bachelor’s Degree
B.Sc. Honours Anthropology
B. A. Economics Honours
B.A. Honours History
B.A. Honours Psychology
B.A Honours Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (General)
B.A. Honours Sociology
Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Bachelor of Arts
But like in Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, some universities have psychology as a separate department.
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Guwahati offers a degree in eleven unique controls: Economics, English, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, History, Archeology, Political Science, Geography, Development Studies.
This office advances interdisciplinary work in the humanities and sociologies, offering ventures, oversight, and co-operations intended to draw in understudies and analysts from assorted scholarly and social foundations.
Aside from its undergrad, B.Tech showed courses that incorporate particularly planned substance offered by individuals from the workforce, the office offers exceptionally interdisciplinary subject matters and examinations in its MA and Ph.D. programs.
So it advised before taking admission kindly contact university website and ask them about department and feasibility of additional subject.
Thank you