The human body makes adjustments in response to the physical stress incurred during a single spell of exercise. But What is exercise psychology why our body needs to make many adjustments in a number of physiological and biochemical systems during exercise.
Many questions arise in our minds when we are doing exercise. In this article, I tried to cover most of the common questions regarding exercise and workouts.

Table of Contents
How my muscle grow and bigger?
What happens when we do exercise?
Our muscles make 33 to 50 percent of our body weight. When we expose muscles to stress they experience microscopic damage and subsequently release molecules called cytokines that activate the immune system of the body to repair.
With proper nutrition, hormones, and rest our body repairs damaged muscles. The proper amount of protein intake, with insulin-like growth factor and testosterone, help to repair damaged tissue and growth.
Repetitive damage and repair eventually make muscles bigger and stronger. More stress more repair and more strength as muscles adapt progressively greater demands.
What adjustments body will make during exercise?
Why my heart beats so fast during exercise?
Why my body temperature increased?
The human body always maintains a stable internal environment called homeostasis. Any disruption will elicit multiple regulatory responses by the body in an attempt to bring disrupted variables back to normal levels.
The human body will make necessary adjustments in response to the stress imposed by a single bout of exercise. The more intense the exercise bout, the greater the disruption in homeostasis. Muscles and blood can become more acidic.
Blood oxygen and glucose levels must be regulated to prevent them from falling below normal levels. Body temperature increases activating thermal regulators processes. The brain, the lungs, and the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels, the cardiovascular system, muscles, kidney, liver, etc., are most responsive.
For proper supply of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles heart pump more forcefully. The blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow.
I am doing exercise for 07 days but I found no improvement in my muscles?
Why muscle will grow after months of exercise?
The overload principle says when we habitually overload a system it will respond and adapt. Basically, when we engage in physical activity, the stress imposed by a single bout of exercise elicits an immediate or an acute response by the body.
The long-term or chronic adaptations made by the body after several months of regular exercise.In response to months of endurance training, due to chronic adaptation, mitochondrial number and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle will be increased.
After weeks of being repeatedly activated, chronic adaptations are made in the pathway responsible for mitochondrial biogenesis, thereby increasing their numbers.
Why my chest is growing but my thighs remain the same after months of exercise?
Why we need a full-body workout?
According to the Specificity principle, only the system or body part repeatedly stressed will adapt to chronic overload.
For example, doing bench presses for weeks and months, only the chest muscles recruited will show improvements in strength. Other muscle groups not involved will show no training adaptations.
I came back in normal shape a month after leaving exercise, why?
Why we should exercise 4-5 times in a week?
As overloading will result in training adaptations, inactivity, or detraining, will result in a return to baseline, or pre-training levels. This relates to the use it or lose it expression, which is commonly stated.
Once the chronic stimulus for regular training has been removed, any adaptations made during training will eventually return to baseline or pre-training levels. Such a response is typical when someone will stop training due to illness or injury.
Why my muscles could not be developed as my friend, since we are following the same diet and exercise pattern?
Why response/result of doing exercise is different for every individual?
We all are the same in some aspects (appearance characteristics like hair, nose, mouth, legs, etc.) and totally different in the genetic or hereditary component. The principle of individuality relates to the genetic or hereditary component of training adaptations.
It states that while the physiological responses to a particular stimulus are largely predictable, the precise Responses and adaptations will vary among individuals. In other words, if we were to initiate an endurance training program on two individuals, who are the same age, sex, and fitness level, we can predict the directions of training adaptations, but the magnitude will likely differ.
Based upon genetic characteristics, one individual may be more responsive to the training stimulus then the other.Identical twins, who have similar genetic material, their response to a training program would be more uniform than two unrelated individuals.
I just started exercise but I exhausted so early and need to take a break?
I am out of breath after only seconds of exercise?
Why we need more oxygen while doing exercise?
Our muscle energetic need during exercise is Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP. ATP is the chemical currency used to supply the energy needed for muscle contraction. When this high-energy phosphate is broken down, it releases a tremendous amount of energy to the cell, initiating muscle contraction.
Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that ATP levels in muscle are maintained if you wish to exercise for any significant duration. The rate of oxygen consumption increases during exercise to sustain the increased requirement for ATP production.
When we go from rest to submaximal exercise, the rate of ATP utilization by the muscle increases dramatically. Since muscle ATP levels are low at rest, it is imperative that the rate of ATP production increases to an equal extent of that of utilization if we wish to continue to exercise for more than several seconds.
With very intense exercise, it is possible for the rate of ATP utilization to increase beyond the capacity for ATP production to keep pace. In this case, the individual will either fatigue very rapidly and be forced to stop exercising or reduce their exercise intensity thereby lowering the rate of ATP utilization allowing production to keep pace.