One question which is asked by many young teens is Why women like older men in relationships? We find age differences in many celebrities also but what psychologist found in these couples is interesting.
Older man younger women relationship psychology
Our personality and social behavior are coded in our genes. If women prefer fashion over-engineering, this behavior is in their genes. Many of our behavior coded in our DNA and carried over time. So for understanding this behavior also we need to understand our evolution journey and behavior.
Darwin played an important role in venturing ideas about the evolutionary roots of human behavior. Darwin proposed that behaviors that increased the organism’s chances of surviving and leaving descendants would be selected over the course of evolutionary history and thus would become aspects of humans’ personalities.

What attracts a Younger women to an older man
Evolutionary psychologists mainly focused on mate selection. Mating involves competition among heterosexuals ( Physical desire toward a person of the opposite gender ), males compete with males and females compete with females. Because males and females have different roles in reproduction.
Because females carry their offspring for 9 months and then nurse and care for them after birth, they have a greater investment in each offspring and can produce fewer offspring in their lifetimes than men can.
This puts a premium for the female on the quality of the genetic contribution of the males with whom she reproduces, as well as on signs of his ability and willingness to help care for his offspring.
In contrast, the optimal reproductive strategy for males is to reproduce as often as possible, and they will primarily be looking for females who are available and fertile.
What are the signs of fertility?
Some psychologists found that women who are interested in mating emphasize their youth, body shape, and beauty because these are signs of their fertility, but should be choosier than men about what partners they mate with.
In contrast, men who are interested in mating should emphasize their ability to support their offspring and should be less choosy than women about their mating partners.
When asked what they do to make themselves attractive to the opposite gender, women report enhancing their beauty through make-up, jewelry, clothing, and hairstyles. Women also report playing hard to get. Man report bragging about their accomplishment displaying excessive possessions, showing their status and power, and displaying their muscles.
Why women like older men in relationships and the desires of each Gender?
One proxy for fertility is youth, and one proxy for economic resources is older age. Evolutionary theory suggests that men will be interested in mating with younger women, whereas women will be interested in mating with older men. These differences in mating preferences have been found across-37 cultures.
Psychologists found evidence for these mating preferences in singles ads placed in newspapers. In the ads the older a man was, the more he expressed a preference for a younger woman, Women prefer older men, regardless of the women’s age.
Men are more individualistic, domineering, and oriented toward problem-solving than women because these personality characteristics increased males’ ability to reproduce often over history and thus were selected for.
In contrast, women ate more inclusive, sharing, and communal because these personality characteristics increased the chances of survival of their offspring and thus were selected for.
Conclusion: Why women like older men in relationships
Age is a sign of maturity and resourcefulness. As a man is older he accumulates wealth and wisdom to deal with the challenges of life. Women prefer older men for their wisdom, experience, and assurance of stable life. A man prefers young women because youth is a sign of fertility.