Biography of Carl Jung and Archetypes

carl jung biography

Carl Jung was a Psychiatrist in Zurich. Carl Jung sees the individual personality as the product and container of its ancestral history. He was famous for Archetypes and the collective unconscious concepts.     Carl Jung personal biography Carl Jung was born in Kesswyl, Switzerland on 26 July 1875. Jung wanted to become a classical philologist or archeologist. … Read more

What is Learning disability- Causes-Treatment-symptoms

what is learning disability

Intelligence is spread unequally among us. Some people whose intellectual fall below average is said to suffer from a general Learning disability. The World Health Organization has set criteria for a diagnosis of general learning disability, In order to be identified, an individual must have determined scores on an IQ test, and show significant problems … Read more

The treatment of obesity -Why dieting failed to control obesity

treatment of obesity

Although genetic factors may limit the amount of weight we can comfortably lose, overweight people can still lose weight by following a weight-control program. The treatment of obesity, it must require something other than just extreme dieting.   To control obesity and lose weight first of all we should understand why many times dieting failed. Many … Read more

Reasons for obesity Genetics and environmental

why i am obese reasons of obesity

Obesity is defined as being 30 percent or more in excess of one’s appropriate body weight. The prevalence of obesity also varies among different groups. Physical obesity occurs about equally in both sexes, but the psychological perception of being overweight is more common among women. Obesity is a major health hazard.  It contributes to a … Read more

What is wheel of emotion and 4 Processes of Emotion

What is emotion? An emotion is a brief, multicomponent response to some change in their current circumstances. The wheel of emotion includes four phases. For example, if we assess our present circumstances as bad, a negative emotion arises and in the same way, if we appraise current circumstances as good, appositive emotion will arise. Emotions … Read more

Stereotype Definition in Psychology With Examples

stereotype in psychology

Stereotype Definition in psychology: Stereotypes are incorrect ideas that humans have about someone. Stereotypes are fixed and about a particular group of people. For a better understanding of stereotypes and schemas, first, we should know the concepts of generalization and discrimination. As we go through our life, we experience exemplars of certain things and we … Read more

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Examples and how it works

cognitivebehaviour therapy examples

What is cognitive behaviour therapy? Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a kind of talk therapy (psychotherapy) that is generally used to change unhealthy thinking to healthy and positive thinking. Cognitive behaviour therapy examples include depression psychotherapy or CBT and anxiety CBT. The main assumption in CBT is negative thinking is a habit and that can … Read more